Yemeni defense officials claim capture of al-Qaeda mastermind

Yemeni authorities have captured a man they believe pictured a suspected al-Qaeda attack on their intelligence headquarters in the southern city of Aden on Saturday. The attack killed around 11 people, including intelligence agents, women and children.

Yemeni security service authorities have named the alleged leader of the terrorist gang that carried out the killings as Goudol Mohammed Ali Naji. They have described him as a member of al-Qaeda with a long record of terrorist and criminal actions, including an attack late last year on the central bank in Aden.

Officials have said they believe the attack on Saturday had been planed to free prisoners who were being cross-examined in the intelligence headquarters building.
After the event the attackers and some people who had been freed from interrogation left the building in a bus, which had been waiting for them. Last week, the Yemen-based al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula urged Yemen’s eastern tribes to rise up against the government.