Cyber attacks between Israeli and Arab hackers was raised yesterday, as a shadowy Israeli group released the details of 4,800 Arab credit-card holders and tried to launch attacks on the websites of the UAE Central Bank and the Arab Bank Palestine.
Early yesterday, hackers who said they were Israeli posted the credit card numbers, security codes and expiration dates of the cards, which they said they obtained from the website of a major Saudi bank. The Central Bank said the website did become inaccessible for about 20 minutes but the problem had been quickly solved.The Arab Bank website remained inaccessible for most of the day when accessed in Abu Dhabi.
"They did target the website, but they didn't do any damage," said Bob Thomson, chief manager of information technology projects at the Central Bank, who described the incident as "a concentrated attack".The hackers' email message to The National linked to an online warning calling on "terrorists to stop their terrorist acts against Israel and attempts to disrupt the normal course of life in Israel".